Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blog post, the First {in which I introduce you to the blog}

Well, it's finally here! ::cues celebratory music and canned applause::

I've been thinking about blogging about my life for months now, wondering if people would read it or if they'd care. And I have discovered that I'm kind of interesting and maybe I should write about that?

This is a Lifestyle blog...and yes, I know, there are SO MANY of those out there now. Latest trends, who's dating who, which colors you should wear in December but not in April. I can (almost) promise you that this blog won't be that. That's why the by line is La Toya's Lifestyle Blog.

If you're here, it's because you're my friend or we know each other and haven't been able to keep up with each others' lives.What I can tell you is to expect the unexpected (mainly because I don't really know what this blog will turn into).

I do plan to write about anything and everything pertaining to my life! That includes, but is not limited to: all my thoughts, events, activities, and geeky obsessions (Harry Potter, LOST and why those should still be a thing etc.)

Because, let's be serious, who else is an opera singing, foodie,  Outer Space obsessed grammar enthusiast, musical theater loving, Super Mario playing, bookworm, Brooklyn native?

SO, welcome, and thanks for being my friend. Drop me a comment below to let me know you stopped by!


  1. *sprays graffiti* Meisha Wuz Here

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Molly!!! Loving your London pictures!!

  3. Outer space obsessed huh? We shall see about that!

  4. Did that come off too ominous? Didn't mean to sound ominous

    1. LOLOL!!! NO way!!! It's a new obsession, I gather people *might* be a little more obsessed than me hehehe!

  5. Best "First {in which I introduce you to the blog}" blog post EVER!

  6. Looking forward to following La Toya!! Great first post!!

    1. Thank m'lady!! Hope your Italian cooking classes happen soon and that I can participate!!
